Do you struggle to stay healthy while sitting at your desk all day, writing? This video is on being a healthy writer!
As indie-authors or "authorpreneurs," we often find ourselves lost in writing our manuscripts and having to split ourselves in half to manage the admin, social media, and writing aspects of our business.
Between the rush of publishing, sometimes battling imposter syndrome, and being overall busy juggling everything else, when do we have time to do exercise? It's easy to put off working out and eating healthy for after we finish our work in progress, but the truth is, there will always be another WIP.
Join me, Killian Wolf, indie-author and Monique Christine, professional wellness coach, as we talk about how important it is to take care of our minds and our bodies while we venture into the busy world of self-publishing. Monique Christine shares tips and tricks that can help you to maintain a healthy lifestyle while being an indie author.
